Elements of Effective Writing

For amateur Writers or authors striving to excel in their given field, should, also, consider writing effectively (including meaningful verses, grammar and spelling) in order to be appreciated for the efforts involved in their work.

Post a thorough study on the topic title, the basic structure or format for an article will commonly include the following elements

·         A catchy Title

The title of the article should be an interesting and sensible structure. Ideally, the title contains at least 6-7 keywords. A good idea is to carefully read the entire story and then to bring out an interesting title to attract reader's attention in the entire story.

·         The Description Brief or Introduction To The Topic

Once the title of the article is selected, a well-suited and short description about the story will be the next appropriate step. This section of the article is significant to building interest of the readers and thus, is a vital part of the whole content. A brief un-exaggerated description involves about 200-300 characters, that can be written effortlessly, if we have perceived the gist of the topic.

·         The Story-Main

Writing the main section of the entire topic, involves, all the creative tricks you can pull to make it a wonderful and informative read. A sound knowledge of the subject is important to create a comprehensive and gripping content. All the key points that depict the essence of the story, must be organised in a clear formatting to validate the purpose of our writing.

·         Conclusion/ Message

The conclusion is, as important as, the introduction. This can prove, that, our capabilities (as authors) do not confine to the main subject. We are also well able to keep our readers engrossed to the topic till the end. A good conclusion can be anything from talking about the benefits, status or simply conveying a message in favour of the narrative to the audience. 

  • The 'Indispensables - ''WHAT', 'HOW or WHY', 'WHEN' and 'WHERE'
An issue, writers frequently encounter, is the amount of information they should include in their story. Sometimes, the relevant data is huge and screening the important sections could be menacing task. Something that I often face while, writing. In this case, following 'The Indispensables' along with our instincts will surely help in continuing the account of the matter.

'What' - This essentially defines the story.
'How' (or 'Why') - This point explains the reason and importance of the topic.
'When' and 'Where' - (Mention if applicable) - Ideally the location and the time of initiation of the event or product.

And Last, but not the least, the readers need to understand the essence of the content or message you are trying to deliver, so keep it simple and comprehensive. Usage of high-flown words may show your mettle or expertise in the language, but remember, there are others who, would, rather read something more simpler.  

Please Note: This is not a research based solution. The concept I've discussed here, is, completely my own, tried and tested method, derived from my experience, to write an effective article on a given topic with ease. And hopefully others will benefit from this too.


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