
Showing posts from September, 2010

Dalai Lama: Teachings about Sex | Buddhism

Dalai Lama: Teachings about Sex Labels: Introductory , Orgasm , Tantra Written by Dalai Lama (14th) Here are some interesting quotes from the 14th Dalai Lama regarding sex as taught and understood in the context of Tantric Buddhism. “Being able to have sexual contact without releasing semen is something needed when you practice the advanced stages of the complete stage." - The 14th Dalai Lama (Berzin Archives) ••• Dalai Lama: Teachings about Sex | Buddhism

Family Cartoons | Randy Glasbergen - Today's Cartoon

Family Cartoons | Randy Glasbergen - Today's Cartoon

Blogger Features

Blogger Features We created Blogger to give you an easy way to share your thoughts — about current events, what's going on in your life, or anything else you'd care to discuss — with the world. We've developed a host of features to make blogging as simple and effective as possible. Getting Started | More Features | Advanced Features Getting Started New! Customize your design The Blogger Template Designer offers many templates, making it simple for you to create a professional-looking blog. In addition, the Template Designer lets you customize your template. Choose from hundreds of background images, tens of flexible layouts, and rearrange widgets through a drag and drop interface. Add gadgets such as slideshows, user polls, or even AdSense ads. Changing fonts and colors is easy too. And if that’s not enough control, you can even edit your blog’s CSS and HTML. Publishing your voice is easy and free Creating your blog with Blogger takes just a few easy steps. In a matter

Buckyball 25th anniversary marked with Google doodle - 10 things you need to know about buckyballs -

Buckyball 25th anniversary marked with Google doodle - 10 things you need to know about buckyballs By 4/09/2010 Today is the 25th anniversary of the discovery of the buckyball - a spherical fullerene, or molecule made up entirely of carbon atoms. Google are celebrating this event by replacing the second 'O' in their logo with an interactively rotatable fullerene C60 . That's the science bit. And here are the top then things you need to know about everybody's favourite chemical compound that resembles a geodesic dome. 1) We're not on entirely familiar terms, so let's address the buckyball with the formality such a big occasion deserves: as the first fullerene to be discovered, it is formally known as Buckminsterfullerene (C60). 2) The name is an homage to Richard Buckminster Fuller, an architect whose geodesic domes (similar to the Walt Disney resort's Epcot theme park 'golf ball') it looks like. 3) It was first prepared in 1985 by Harol

Zuckerberg, Is That You?: Hot Facebook Ride - Geekologie

Zuckerberg, Is That You?: Hot Facebook Ride - Geekologie

Etsy Blog

Featured Shopper: Knitfitt Does Iron & Ink Cate Fitt, an experienced critic, curator and juror, shares highlights from her personal Etsy Favorites. Story by:  knitfitt   Published Sept. 1, 2010 in  Spotlight

The Sketching Forum Home Page

This is a friendly, informal gathering of people who like to sketch. The format is simple and all media are included in the one category of sketching. There is a wealth of valuable information here, and anyone can read the messages, but only registered members can post messages. To register, e-mail me at russ@ ... (click on the dots) and tell me your preferred user name and password. You can change your password later in the profile section. We're doing it this way because of bogus registrations generated by computers. I am in Tokyo, which may be in a very different time zone from yours, I don't check my mail on Sunday, so please be patient if I don't respond to your request right away. Russ Stutler, Custodian The Sketching Forum Home Page

What is sketch? 26 sep 2008 Posted by mancai Labels: Sketch Definations What is sketch? Definitions of sketch on the Web: * preliminary drawing for later elaboration; "he made several studies before starting to paint" * a brief literary description * make a sketch of; "sketch the building" * short descriptive summary (of events) * describe roughly or briefly or give the main points or summary of; "sketch the outline of the book"; "outline his ideas" * cartoon: a humorous or satirical drawing published in a newspaper or magazine Reference:

The Fractal Enterprise: History

The Fractal Enterprise: History : History May 08, 2010 In the Spirit of Benjamin Franklin I recently found myself spending some time in the historic district of Philadelphia and consequently surrounded by echoes of the irrepressible Benjamin Franklin. Every once and a while, when surveying history, you come across people who just seem to lay their hands on everything and somehow manage to leave a lasting impression on everything they touch. Ben Franklin is one of those characters.

Travels: Versailles Gate

Travels: Versailles Gate Versailles Gate Paris, France I finally managed to make it out to the Palace of Versailles during my visit to Paris in 2008. An overwhelming spectacle, to be sure, but also one that drives home the magnitude of excesses that were associated with many of the European powers throughout history. In this regard, Versailles may be the pinnacle.

Royalty-Free (RF) Clip Art Collections

Royalty-Free (RF) Clip Art Collections Royalty-Free (RF) Clip Art Collections Save up to 80% by purchasing a vector or raster clip art collection! Take advantage of these huge savings while they are available. All of these digital image collections have been skillfully put together and discounted by our illustrators with you in mind. They combined meaningful and relevent images in each collection, which makes it easier for you to enhance your projects with awesome graphics. Featured Clipart Collections Tree Frog Characters (300+) by Julos Cute Animals by Pushkin Stick People Images (300+) by NL shop

Davor Bakara Illustration Blog

Davor Bakara Illustration Blog Biography Davor Bakara was born in Stuttgart, Germany. He studied at The State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart Graphic Design and Illustration under Prof. Heinz Edelmann who was the art director of the The Beatles animated feature film „Yellow Submarine“ and Prof. Niklaus Troxler . In 1999 he finished his studies successfully with a MFA in Illustration and Design (Diplom Designer). He was one of the founders, artists, copywriters and editors of the legendary magazine “Moga Mobo”. After a five year period in Germany’s capital Berlin he lives in Stuttgart again since 2005. He works in illustration fields as editorial, conceptual, advertising, portraiture, collage, sequential art and more. He collaborates with magazines, newspapers, advertising agencies, publishing houses, companies and institutions. His work was also published in Design Magazines as Encore, Designers Digest and Page.